Monday, July 20, 2009

Reflecting back...

Not very often have I ever said that I would actually miss a class. This class was probably one of the most fun classes I have ever had. The information we learned will help me for the rest of my life, and overall has helped me to better myself as far as my other classes are concerned. The class introduced new technologies to me, and helped save me much headache this current semester and for future ones. This course was a relief from the tedious brain cramming that college courses generally are. I will miss this class mostly because it was so much fun

I loved learning about making podcasts, using google docs, and learning how to blog.

1)Podcasts: I believe that this had to be the best part of the course, and I thoughly enjoyed making them. I believe that we should have encouraged more group work, and that this gave me some fun during classes.

2)Google docs: These programs helped me to save alot of time and headache over jump drives and harddrive space on my computer. I have been using them for every assignment I have to turn in, since I learned about them. I guarentee you that after the next semesters I will have my project list on it overflowing.

3)Blogging: Until this class, I had never wanted to or knew how to blog about anything. Before this class, I always thought that blogging was well kinda...nerdy and such. Now I have a different perspective upon blogging, and thoughly enjoyed it. I hope to be able to use blog's in my classSPACE when I start my teaching.

Overall, this class has helped me to improve myself, and was quite enjoyable as well. I would recommend this class to everyone, and honestly think that it should be a General Studies for every major, not just education ones, because it teaches about technologies that will help everyone in the professional world, as well as in college. Professor Tashbin helped all of us to better ourselves through his teaching of this class.

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