Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Response to "Txting away ur education"

Wow, it seems to me that some people just have to much time on their hands. I have personally never had any trouble keeping my attention on my studies while texting. Maybe instead of creating such mass hysteria over something so trivial they should focus on the real issue; that is teaching students to manage their lives more effectively and to maintain attention.

Multi-tasking is something I was taught at a young age, and should honestly be something taught in a classroom setting because once an individual is put out in the real world they will be expected to handle many different things at once. It seems to me that these people writing the article have their own personal biases (like us all) to deal with; however, they only look at the issue from one perspective. I happened to notice almost no reference to the good these technologies have brought forward. These devices are only distractions if you allow them to be; no one say's you have to answer immediately or in the middle of class. Have I done this before? Of course I have, although I also sometimes don't answer right away, and if they get annoyed by my lack of response I put my phone on airplane mode or I block their number temporarily. The way I see the "issue" of cell phones in schools is that this is just another ploy by the government to privy into our private lives. This is just another action similiar to what the FCC would do. Teach some self control, not communist control.

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